Shuttles are used by numerous factions throughout the Fringe to transport people or small shipments of supplies. They are characteristically slow and vulnerable, requiring an escort when traversing dangerous territory.
- Most shuttles share identical or similar hull design. Their allegiance is designated by the body paint of their faction.
- Types of shuttles:
- Neutral
- GalSpan
- Bora
- Star Patrol
- Hajod Barony
- Personal
- The Star Patrol Shuttle rarely appears in the game. It is first seen in the cutscene following the completion of the Quarantine Compromised contract, then again when flying the Bora mission A Matter of Virtue.
- The Hajod variant of the shuttle is also seldom seen, making three appearances across two contracts. Once in the mission where Jake Logan must kidnap Alexander Onrald, and two shuttles in Delivery in Good Faith.