The Solaris Torpedo is one of the most powerful torpedoes currently available to pilots. Its unique ability is that it can be charged up to deal more damage, and at full power it can destroy any fighter in two to three hits.
Store Description[]
The following text is copied from in-game. Typos and inconsistencies preserved.
*Hold down trigger to build up energy release trigger to fire
Developed by Phobos Proprietary Systems, the Solaris Torpedo, in the hands of a skilled pilot, can be a ship killer. The Solaris Torpedo is designed so that the user can determine the extent of damage he wants to inflict. Before firing the user must arm the torpedo by transferring weapon energy from his reserves to the torpedo. The maximum charge time is 10 seconds and at full charge will deplete 20% to 25% of most fighter’s energy reserves. At full charge the Solaris Torpedo will destroy most fighter’s shields and hulls. The biggest drawback of the torpedo is that it is unguided. A miss can be rather expensive.
- The Solaris Torpedo can be charged for a maximum of ten seconds.
- Only GalSpan ships can equip the Solaris Torpedo.
- The Solaris Torpedo is the only weapon in the game that can be charged up before firing.